





  • 表示原因
    • 基础表达
      • because
      • since
      • as
    • 高级表达
      • due to / owing to / because of + 名词
        • Due to technological advancements, many traditional jobs have been replaced.”
      • as a result of + 名词
        • As a result of global warming, sea levels have risen significantly.”
      • stem from / arise from
        • “The issue stems from a lack of government regulation.”
  • 表示结果
    • 基础表达
      • so
      • therefore
      • thus
    • 高级表达
      • lead to / result in / give rise to
        • “Over-reliance on fast food can lead to severe health problems.”
      • cause / trigger
        • “The rise in housing prices has triggered a wave of migration to suburban areas.”
      • consequently / as a result
        • Consequently, students who lack physical activity may face long-term health issues.”
  • 表示因果的复杂关系
    • 双向因果
      • Not only does technology reduce manual labor, but it also creates new opportunities in emerging industries.”
    • 链式因果
      • “A sedentary lifestyle leads to obesity, which in turn increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.”


  • 明确“原因”和“结果”位置 在主体段中,可以用因果关系来解释某一现象的起因,或者预测其可能带来的后果。以因果为核心写段落,给出一个原因,尝试扩展它可能引发的结果,并逐步展开成一段话。
    • 示例:
      • 原因:传统文化的淡化
      • 结果:
        • “Globalization has led to decline in traditional practices. This erosion of cultural identity not only diminishes societal cohesion but also reduces the diversity that makes communities unique. As a result, younger generations may feel disconnected from their heritage, further exacerbating this issue.”
  • 用因果关系解释观点 通过因果分析扩展观点,让文章更有深度,例如:
    • “Removing non-academic subjects like physical education may lead to a decline in students’ overall well-being. Without regular exercise, students are more likely to develop sedentary habit, which can result in long-term health complications such as obesity and heart disease.”
  • 反驳时运用因果关系 在讨论反面观点时,因果关系可以用来指出该观点的局限性或潜在风险。
    • 示例(题目:国际快餐对家庭和社会的影响):
      • “Although fast food provides convenience, it also causes significant harm. The high levels of fat, sugar, and sodium in these meals lead to an increase in lifestyle-related diseases, placing a substantial burden on public healthcare systems.”
  • 用链式因果构建复杂逻辑 通过一系列因果关系,让论证更加连贯和深入
    • 示例(题目:应否移除非学术课程)
      • “Eliminating subjects like physical education might save time for academic study, but it also reduces opportunities for students to develop teamwork and stress management skills. This, in turn, may hinder their ability to cope with academic pressure, ultimately affecting their performance and mental health.”